
Wordpress website project and reflection


During this project, the business I created was a sports brand. Specifically focusing on producing and selling squash gear. The websites I studied for inspiration were dunlop squash, nike, and squash gear. All these businesses sell squash or sports related apparel and equipment. Dunlop squash is the biggest squash brand in the world, so I took a lot of inspiration from their website. I really liked how they included a page for their team of proffesionals they sponser, leading me to include this page in my website also. Another aspect of these websites I used in my website, is the layout of their pages. All these websites had similar pages. My expierience with Wordpress was alright. I started off a little lost with how to make my website, but I eventually figured it out. It was a little difficult to navigate through Wordpress while constantly getting shut out of certain areas of their website, due to being on a free plan. However, I did find it to be relatively simple to work through, but there was some little things that had me irritated. Such as, I had a hard time changing the layout of my website from the template I was on without deleting chunks of my website. I found all the different types of blocks to be helpful. Also, it was much easier to use, because of the simplicity of the website creation process.